Unveiling The Sinister World Of Thomas Robb: A Deep Dive Into White


Thomas Robb is an American white supremacist and neo-Nazi who is the founder and leader of the white nationalist Traditionalist Worker Party. He is a former member of the Ku Klux Klan and the National Socialist Movement. Robb has been involved in white supremacist activities since the early 1980s and has a long history of violence and hate speech.

Robb's Traditionalist Worker Party is a white nationalist organization that promotes white supremacy and anti-Semitism. The group has been designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Robb has been arrested and convicted on multiple occasions for his involvement in white supremacist activities, including inciting violence and threatening federal officials.

Robb's white supremacist ideology is based on the belief that whites are superior to other races and that they must maintain their racial purity. He believes that the United States is a white nation and that non-whites are a threat to white society. Robb's views are widely condemned by mainstream society, and he is considered to be one of the most dangerous white supremacists in the United States.

Thomas Robb

Thomas Robb is a white supremacist and neo-Nazi who is the founder and leader of the white nationalist Traditionalist Worker Party. He is a former member of the Ku Klux Klan and the National Socialist Movement. Robb has been involved in white supremacist activities since the early 1980s and has a long history of violence and hate speech.

  • Founder and leader of the Traditionalist Worker Party
  • White supremacist and neo-Nazi
  • Former member of the Ku Klux Klan and the National Socialist Movement
  • Long history of violence and hate speech
  • Arrested and convicted on multiple occasions for his involvement in white supremacist activities
  • Designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center
  • Believes that whites are superior to other races and that they must maintain their racial purity
  • Believes that the United States is a white nation and that non-whites are a threat to white society
  • Views are widely condemned by mainstream society

These key aspects of Thomas Robb highlight his dangerous and hateful ideology. He is a white supremacist who believes that whites are superior to other races and that the United States is a white nation. He has a long history of violence and hate speech, and his Traditionalist Worker Party is designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Robb's views are widely condemned by mainstream society, and he is considered to be one of the most dangerous white supremacists in the United States.

Founder and leader of the Traditionalist Worker Party

Thomas Robb is the founder and leader of the Traditionalist Worker Party, a white nationalist organization that promotes white supremacy and anti-Semitism. The Traditionalist Worker Party is designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

  • White supremacist ideology

    The Traditionalist Worker Party is a white supremacist organization that believes that whites are superior to other races and that they must maintain their racial purity. Robb has stated that he believes that the United States is a white nation and that non-whites are a threat to white society.

  • History of violence and hate speech

    Robb has a long history of violence and hate speech. He has been arrested and convicted on multiple occasions for his involvement in white supremacist activities, including inciting violence and threatening federal officials.

  • Recruitment and propaganda

    The Traditionalist Worker Party uses a variety of methods to recruit new members and spread its propaganda. The group has a website, a social media presence, and it distributes literature at events and rallies.

Robb's Traditionalist Worker Party is a dangerous and hateful organization. The group's white supremacist ideology and history of violence and hate speech make it a threat to society.

White supremacist and neo-Nazi

Thomas Robb is a white supremacist and neo-Nazi. This means that he believes that the white race is superior to all other races, and that Jews are responsible for many of the world's problems. Robb's beliefs are based on a twisted and hateful ideology that has no basis in reality.

  • White supremacy

    White supremacy is the belief that the white race is superior to all other races. White supremacists believe that whites are more intelligent, more civilized, and more deserving of power than other races. They often advocate for the segregation or even the extermination of non-white people.

  • Neo-Nazism

    Neo-Nazism is a modern version of the Nazi ideology that was responsible for the Holocaust. Neo-Nazis believe that the white race is superior to all other races, and that Jews are responsible for many of the world's problems. They often adopt Nazi symbols and rhetoric, and they may engage in violence against non-white people.

Thomas Robb's white supremacist and neo-Nazi beliefs are dangerous and hateful. They have no place in a civilized society. We must all work together to combat racism and hate speech, and to promote equality and understanding for all.

Former member of the Ku Klux Klan and the National Socialist Movement

Thomas Robb's membership in the Ku Klux Klan and the National Socialist Movement is significant because it demonstrates his long-standing involvement in white supremacist and neo-Nazi organizations. The Ku Klux Klan is a white supremacist terrorist organization that has a history of violence and intimidation against African Americans and other minorities. The National Socialist Movement is a neo-Nazi organization that promotes white supremacy and anti-Semitism. Robb's involvement in these groups indicates that he is a committed white supremacist who believes in the superiority of the white race.

Robb's membership in these groups has also had a direct impact on his activities as a white supremacist leader. He has used his position in the Traditionalist Worker Party to promote the ideologies of the Ku Klux Klan and the National Socialist Movement. He has also used his platform to recruit new members to these groups. Robb's activities have contributed to the growth of the white supremacist movement in the United States.

Understanding Robb's connection to the Ku Klux Klan and the National Socialist Movement is important for understanding the threat that he poses to society. Robb is a dangerous white supremacist who is committed to promoting violence and hatred against minorities. He has a long history of involvement in white supremacist organizations, and he has used his position in the Traditionalist Worker Party to further his agenda. Robb's activities are a threat to the safety and well-being of all Americans.

Long history of violence and hate speech

Thomas Robb has a long history of violence and hate speech. He has been arrested and convicted on multiple occasions for his involvement in white supremacist activities, including inciting violence and threatening federal officials.

  • Incitement to violence

    Robb has a history of inciting violence against non-whites. In 2006, he was convicted of inciting violence at a white supremacist rally in Tennessee. He has also made numerous threats of violence against federal officials, including President Barack Obama.

  • Hate speech

    Robb has a long history of making hate speeches against non-whites. He has referred to African Americans as "savages" and "animals". He has also said that Jews are responsible for many of the world's problems.

  • Recruitment and propaganda

    Robb uses his platform as the leader of the Traditionalist Worker Party to recruit new members and spread his white supremacist ideology. He has also used his website and social media accounts to promote hate speech and incite violence.

  • Impact on society

    Robb's violence and hate speech have had a negative impact on society. His actions have contributed to the growth of the white supremacist movement in the United States. He has also created a climate of fear and intimidation for non-whites.

Thomas Robb's long history of violence and hate speech is a serious threat to society. His actions have contributed to the growth of the white supremacist movement and created a climate of fear and intimidation for non-whites. We must all work together to combat racism and hate speech, and to promote equality and understanding for all.

Arrested and convicted on multiple occasions for his involvement in white supremacist activities

Thomas Robb has been arrested and convicted on multiple occasions for his involvement in white supremacist activities, including inciting violence and threatening federal officials. These arrests and convictions demonstrate the seriousness of Robb's commitment to white supremacy and his willingness to engage in illegal activities to further his agenda.

Robb's criminal history is also significant because it shows that he is a threat to public safety. His incitement to violence has led to real-world consequences, including injuries and even death. His threats against federal officials have also raised concerns about his potential to engage in terrorism.

Understanding the connection between Robb's criminal history and his white supremacist activities is important for several reasons. First, it helps us to understand the threat that he poses to society. Second, it provides evidence of his commitment to white supremacy and his willingness to engage in illegal activities to further his agenda. Finally, it highlights the need for law enforcement to take seriously the threat posed by white supremacist groups and individuals.

Designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a non-profit legal advocacy organization that monitors the activities of hate groups in the United States. The SPLC has designated the Traditionalist Worker Party, led by Thomas Robb, as a hate group. This designation is significant because it indicates that the SPLC believes that the Traditionalist Worker Party is actively promoting racism and bigotry.

The SPLC's designation of the Traditionalist Worker Party as a hate group is based on a number of factors, including the group's white supremacist ideology, its history of violence and hate speech, and its recruitment of new members. The SPLC has documented numerous instances of the Traditionalist Worker Party engaging in white supremacist activities, including organizing rallies, distributing propaganda, and inciting violence against non-whites.

The SPLC's designation of the Traditionalist Worker Party as a hate group is a serious matter. It indicates that the group is a threat to public safety and that its activities are contributing to the growth of the white supremacist movement in the United States. The SPLC's designation should serve as a warning to law enforcement and the public about the dangers posed by the Traditionalist Worker Party and its leader, Thomas Robb.

Believes that whites are superior to other races and that they must maintain their racial purity

This belief is a core tenet of Thomas Robb's white supremacist ideology. Robb believes that whites are the superior race and that they must maintain their racial purity in order to preserve their culture and way of life. This belief is reflected in Robb's writings, speeches, and actions.

  • White supremacy

    White supremacy is the belief that the white race is superior to all other races. White supremacists believe that whites are more intelligent, more civilized, and more deserving of power than other races. They often advocate for the segregation or even the extermination of non-white people.

  • Racial purity

    Racial purity is the belief that whites must maintain their racial purity in order to preserve their culture and way of life. Racial purists believe that interracial relationships and marriage are a threat to the white race. They often advocate for laws that prevent interracial relationships and marriage.

  • Eugenics

    Eugenics is the belief that the human race can be improved through selective breeding. Eugenics has been used to justify a variety of racist policies, including forced sterilization and immigration restrictions. Robb is a proponent of eugenics, and he believes that the white race should be preserved through selective breeding.

Robb's belief that whites are superior to other races and that they must maintain their racial purity is a dangerous and hateful ideology. It has no place in a civilized society. We must all work together to combat racism and hate speech, and to promote equality and understanding for all.

Believes that the United States is a white nation and that non-whites are a threat to white society

Thomas Robb's belief that the United States is a white nation and that non-whites are a threat to white society is a central tenet of his white supremacist ideology. This belief is reflected in his writings, speeches, and actions.

  • White nationalism

    White nationalism is a belief that whites are superior to other races and that they should have their own separate nation. White nationalists often advocate for the creation of a white ethnostate, or a country that is exclusively for white people.

  • Anti-immigration

    Anti-immigration is a belief that immigration is a threat to the white race. Anti-immigrationists often argue that immigrants are taking jobs away from white people and that they are diluting the white gene pool.

  • White genocide

    White genocide is a conspiracy theory that claims that there is a plot to exterminate the white race. White genocide theorists often point to declining birth rates among white people and the increasing diversity of the population as evidence of this plot.

  • Racial holy war

    Racial holy war is a belief that there will be a violent confrontation between the white race and the non-white races. Racial holy war theorists often argue that this war is inevitable and that it will be necessary to protect the white race from extinction.

Robb's belief that the United States is a white nation and that non-whites are a threat to white society is a dangerous and hateful ideology. It has no place in a civilized society. We must all work together to combat racism and hate speech, and to promote equality and understanding for all.

Views are widely condemned by mainstream society

Thomas Robb's views are widely condemned by mainstream society because they are racist, hateful, and dangerous. Robb is a white supremacist who believes that whites are superior to other races and that the United States is a white nation. He has a long history of violence and hate speech, and his Traditionalist Worker Party is designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

  • Racism

    Robb's views are racist because they promote the idea that one race is superior to another. He believes that whites are superior to non-whites, and he has made numerous racist statements throughout his career.

  • Hate speech

    Robb's views are also hateful because they promote violence and discrimination against non-whites. He has called for the extermination of non-whites, and he has threatened violence against federal officials who support diversity.

  • Dangerous

    Robb's views are dangerous because they have the potential to incite violence. His rhetoric has been linked to several acts of violence, including the 2017 Charlottesville rally.

  • Condemned by mainstream society

    Robb's views are widely condemned by mainstream society. He is considered to be a dangerous extremist, and his Traditionalist Worker Party is designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Robb's views are a threat to our society. They promote racism, hate, and violence, and they have the potential to incite further violence. We must all work together to combat Robb's views and to promote equality and understanding for all.

FAQs on Thomas Robb

This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about Thomas Robb, a white supremacist and neo-Nazi who is the leader of the Traditionalist Worker Party.

Question 1: Who is Thomas Robb?

Thomas Robb is a white supremacist and neo-Nazi who is the founder and leader of the Traditionalist Worker Party. He is a former member of the Ku Klux Klan and the National Socialist Movement, and he has a long history of violence and hate speech.

Question 2: What are Robb's beliefs?

Robb believes that the white race is superior to all other races and that the United States is a white nation. He advocates for the segregation or even the extermination of non-white people, and he has a history of inciting violence against non-whites.

Question 3: What is the Traditionalist Worker Party?

The Traditionalist Worker Party is a white supremacist organization that was founded by Robb in 1994. The group promotes white supremacy and anti-Semitism, and it has been designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Question 4: What is Robb's criminal history?

Robb has been arrested and convicted on multiple occasions for his involvement in white supremacist activities, including inciting violence and threatening federal officials. He is considered to be a dangerous extremist, and his Traditionalist Worker Party is designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Question 5: What are the dangers of Robb's ideology?

Robb's ideology is dangerous because it promotes racism, hate, and violence. His rhetoric has been linked to several acts of violence, including the 2017 Charlottesville rally. Robb's views are a threat to our society, and we must all work together to combat them.

Question 6: What can be done to combat Robb's ideology?

There are a number of things that can be done to combat Robb's ideology. We can speak out against racism and hate speech, and we can support organizations that are working to promote equality and understanding. We can also educate ourselves about the dangers of white supremacy, and we can challenge racist and hateful ideas when we encounter them.


Thomas Robb is a dangerous white supremacist whose ideology poses a threat to our society. We must all work together to combat his views and to promote equality and understanding for all.

Transition to the next article section

The next section of this article will discuss the history of white supremacy in the United States.

Tips on Combating White Supremacy

White supremacy is a dangerous and hateful ideology that has no place in our society. We must all work together to combat white supremacy and promote equality and understanding for all. Here are a few tips on how you can help:

Tip 1: Educate yourself about white supremacy

The first step to combating white supremacy is to educate yourself about it. Learn about the history of white supremacy in the United States, the different forms it takes, and the ways in which it harms individuals and communities. The Southern Poverty Law Center is a great resource for learning more about white supremacy and its impact.

Tip 2: Speak out against racism and hate speech

When you see or hear someone making racist or hateful comments, don't be afraid to speak out. Let them know that their words are harmful and that you will not tolerate racism or hate speech. You can also report racist or hateful comments to social media platforms or other relevant authorities.

Tip 3: Support organizations that are fighting white supremacy

There are a number of organizations that are working to combat white supremacy and promote equality and understanding. These organizations need our support. You can donate money, volunteer your time, or simply spread the word about their work.

Tip 4: Challenge racist and hateful ideas

When you encounter racist or hateful ideas, don't be afraid to challenge them. Ask questions, point out the flaws in their arguments, and offer alternative perspectives. The more we challenge racist and hateful ideas, the less power they will have.

Tip 5: Be an ally to people of color

One of the best ways to combat white supremacy is to be an ally to people of color. This means standing up for them when they are facing racism or discrimination, and supporting their efforts to achieve equality and justice.


Combating white supremacy requires a collective effort. By educating ourselves about white supremacy, speaking out against racism and hate speech, supporting organizations that are fighting white supremacy, challenging racist and hateful ideas, and being an ally to people of color, we can all help to create a more just and equitable society for all.

Transition to the article's conclusion

The fight against white supremacy is an ongoing one. But by working together, we can overcome this hateful ideology and create a better future for all.


Thomas Robb is a dangerous white supremacist whose ideology poses a threat to our society. His beliefs are based on hatred and ignorance, and they have no place in a civilized world.

We must all work together to combat white supremacy and promote equality and understanding for all. We must speak out against racism and hate speech, support organizations that are fighting white supremacy, and challenge racist and hateful ideas whenever we encounter them. Only by working together can we create a more just and equitable society for all.

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Thomas Robb Southern Poverty Law Center
Thomas Robb Southern Poverty Law Center
Demonstrators march to entrance of KKK national director Thomas Robb's
Demonstrators march to entrance of KKK national director Thomas Robb's